

Kneecap Dislocation: The symptoms of a kneecap dislocation will vary based upon how the injury occurred as well as the severity of the damage to the knee joint and/or if other knee injuries are also present. In minor cases, it may be possible for an athlete to immediately resume athletic activity. In others, pain and limited mobility will be apparent. THE NATURE CALCIUM 1000 Kneecap Dislocation: Primary symptoms of kneecap dislocation may include:  Lack of mobility. If the kneecap dislocates to the outside of the knee, the leg may be stuck in a bent position, making it difficult to move. Knee that gives way. When putting pressure on the affected leg, the knee may give out and be unable to support one's body weight. Re-positioning of the patella, in moderate to severe dislocations, the kneecap will not only move away from the knee joint but will fully re-position itself to the outside of the leg. THE NATURE CALCIUM 1000 Kneecap Dislocation: A hyper-mobile pa...